Immutable Mixins

An immutable mixin is a function that takes an immutable ruleset and returns a new immutable ruleset. Immutable mixins help share common styles used across similar rulesets. Here is an immutable mixin in its simplest form:

import { createStyle, createMixin } from 'immutable-styles';

const Button = createMixin(
    padding: 10px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    font-size: 14px;

The example above creates a mixin and assigns it to the variable Button. This Button variable can be included in JSX just like any other immutable ruleset:

<Button />

The example above targets elements of type button that do not have a class. The target element will receive the three declarations: padding, border-radius and font-size returned from the mixin.

A useful pattern is to namespace immutable mixins so they are easier to identify. The following mixin is exactly the same as the Button example above:

const mixins = {
  button: createMixin(
      padding: 10px;
      border-radius: 3px;
      font-size: 14px;

// Usage:

<mixins.button />

From here onwards all examples will follow the namespace pattern. Alongside improving readability namespacing allows mixins to be named after JSX elements. Without a namespace mixins cannot have the same name as JSX elements (otherwise the compiler doesn't know whether an element or mixin is being used).

Immutable mixins support the same JSX attribute as immutable rulesets:

<mixins.button className="btn" />

The example above targets elements of type button that have the class btn. The target element will receive the three declarations (padding, border-radius, font-size) returned from the mixin.


Immutable mixins support child styles:

<mixins.button className="btn-primary">
  background: slateblue;

The example above targets elements of type button that have the class btn-primary. In addition to the three declarations returned from the mixin, the target element will also have a background color of slateblue.

The background color can be changed to darkslateblue on hover using the pseudo attribute:

<mixins.button className="btn-primary" pseudo=":hover">
  background: darkslateblue;

Immutable mixins support child rulesets, allowing nested styles to be reused among similar rulesets:

const mixins = {
  button: createMixin(
      padding: 10px;
      border-radius: 3px;
      font-size: 14px;

      <svg className="icon">
        width: 15px;
        height: 15px;
        fill: currentColor;

Styles nested within mixins can be used like any other immutable ruleset:

<mixins.button className="btn-primary">
  background: slateblue;

  <svg className="icon">
    color: peachpuff;

The example above targets elements of type button that have the class btn-primary. The svg within the button receives four declarations, three from the mixin: width, height, fill and the peachpuff color unique to icons within primary buttons.

Modifier Classes

As with immutable rulesets immutable mixins support modifier classes. Modifier classes allow selectors to explicitly target elements with multiple classes:

<mixins.button className="btn disabled">
  background: slategray;
  opactiy: 0.3;
  pointer-events: none;

The example above targets elements of type button that have the classes btn disabled.

Note on Modifier Classes

You can read more about modifier classes in the Explicit Selectors guide.

Override Protection

Immutable mixins come with the same override protection as normal immutable rulesets:

<mixins.button className="btn-secondary">
  padding: 20px;

The example above attempts to override the padding property defined by the button mixin, which throws a compile time error:

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